How to Prevent Mold Damage after Flooding

If you've experienced flooding in your home, you know that there's nothing more frustrating than having to deal with mold after.

How to Prevent Mold Damage after Flooding
How to Prevent Mold Damage after Flooding
July 11, 2023

If you've experienced flooding in your home, you know that there's nothing more frustrating than having to deal with mold after. Mold causes health problems and damages your property if not treated properly. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent mold growth and stop the damage immediately. Here are the first steps to take after flooding to prevent mold damage:

Remove Flood Waters

It's important to remove as much water from your home as possible as soon as you spot it. To do this, use a wet vac or bucket and mop.

Before you begin, make sure you have protective gear such as gloves and a mask. You may want to wear protective clothing as well, depending on how much water there is and how much damage it caused.

If you do not have access to a wet vac or bucket and mop, simply use paper towels or rags soaked in disinfectant spray. You want to take extra caution to be careful not to spread mold spores around. The goal here is to absorb any excess water so that more isn't created when drying out surfaces later on down the line.

Clean Items

Flood waters tend to be hazardous. If any of your personal items are drenched in the flood waters, you want to clean them immediately. To clean your items, find OSHA-approved cleaning materials and chemicals. Use a sponge or rag to apply the solution to your item and scrub it well. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and repeat this process if you need to remove more staining from an item. If you have carpeting in your home, use a fan to dry it as much as possible before returning it back into its original location. 

We recommend you reach out to Rocky Top Restoration if you have any personal belongings damaged by flooding. We have trained professionals who know exactly how to disinfect and clean your items quickly.

Use Fans to Dry Area

Once you've turned off the power and dried out your home as much as possible, it's time to turn on your fans. The goal here is to dry out the area where your mold problem could begin. Be sure to place a few fans in different rooms and make sure to point them in the same direction. Once placed, leave them running for at least 24 hours.

Our team at Rocky Top Restoration has industry-grade air movers and fans that dry your home or business quickly. If you are in need of some professional level drying fans, contact our team. We can help you dry the affected area. 

Remediate Mold Damage

Remediation is the process of making a home safe from mold after a flood or water damage. There are several different types of remediation, including:

  • Removal and replacement of building materials and furnishings that were exposed to moisture or high humidity 
  • Dehumidification, in which excess moisture is extracted from the air inside your home using dehumidifiers and fans.
  • Air filtration systems that cleanse the air you breathe by filtering out mold spores before they reach your lungs.

A professional and trained team like Rocky Top is who you should contact for mold remediation services. These types of services are only performed by professionals who remove mold from your property.

Prevent Mold Damage after Flooding

Mold is a fungus found almost anywhere, from your bathroom to the forests outside. In some cases, mold causes allergic reactions and other health problems. Mold grows on walls, furniture, and other surfaces when they have moisture or water damage.

Mold damage after flooding happens quickly because it feeds on the moisture in your home. If you have experienced flood damage in your home or business, it's important to take steps right away to prevent mold growth!

If you're affected by flooding, don’t panic. There are ways to prevent mold damage and keep your home healthy. Removing as much water as possible, using fans to dry out wet surfaces, cleaning damaged items and contacting a professional to remediate mold growth helps prevent future mold issues. If you need help from Rocky Top Restoration after flooding, give our team a call!

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