Wait! How Do I Know my Air Ducts Have Mold?

Mold only takes about 24-48 hours to grow if it’s left under the right conditions.

Wait! How Do I Know my Air Ducts Have Mold?
Wait! How Do I Know my Air Ducts Have Mold?
July 11, 2023

Mold only takes about 24-48 hours to grow if it’s left under the right conditions. It typically grows in damp places, like vents and air ducts. Figuring out if your air ducts have mold can be difficult to diagnose, but there are certain indicators of mold, certain steps to remediate the moldy area, and helpful tips to consider to prevent mold growth.

Signs your Air Ducts Have Mold

Often the first sign of mold in your air ducts is a musty smell. This is usually constant, regardless of how long you leave the windows and doors open to air it out. You might also notice that the smell gets stronger when you turn on your air conditioner or heater. There are various kinds of mold, and some are considered more toxic than others. Black mold, sometimes called toxic mold, typically has a stronger smell than more typical household molds. Black mold is often described as smelling musty, earthy and rotten. If you suspect black mold in particular, it is important to act quickly.

Another sign of mold could be some differences in your health, such as unexplained illnesses or allergies when you don’t typically have seasonal allergies. It might be sneezing and coughing when you turn on the HVAC system, or dizziness, headaches and nausea that go away when you go outside. This is not always a sign of mold, but combined with the other signs, it is something to be weary of.

The third way to know if you have mold is to see it. This can be on the outside of the air vents or other places within the home. Mold typically looks like uneven green, white, black or brown spots, usually found in places that are constantly damp or have been damp recently. These spots might also look fuzzy. 

Once you spot the mold, take action immediately to get rid of it.

Getting Rid of the Mold

It is important to address mold issues immediately to prevent any further growth. Mold is typically best handled by professionals who have the experience, the knowledge, and the equipment to take care of the problem in the safest way possible. 

Your first step would be to contact a professional mold remediation company like Rocky Top Restoration. When you call our team, we will complete an inspection and test to verify that it is mold. Once we know if it’s mold and what kind of mold we’re dealing with, we will begin the remediation process.

We will also identify the source of the problem to ensure that it never comes back. This will keep the mold from regrowing because of the same cause.

Once your current mold infestation is remediated, it’s time to think about how to prevent mold growth in the future. 

Preventing Mold Growth

There are a few steps you can take to prevent mold growth. The first option is to regularly clean your air ducts, especially if you’ve had a mold problem in the past. We recommend using a professional company to clean the problem areas.

You should also consider having an HVAC maintenance plan that will ensure your system is working properly. Other preventative options include replacing the filters regularly, insulating your air ducts, checking for leaks regularly, cleaning the drip pans often, and possibly investing in a dehumidifier to use in the damper areas of your home or business. All of these options should be combined for optimal prevention. 

Mold in your air ducts may not always be obvious, but there are certain signs to indicate mold growth, steps you can take to remediate the mold, and ways to prevent any future mold growth. If you suspect mold growth in your air ducts, act quickly! After all, it takes as little as 24 hours for the mold to spread. Give Rocky Top Restoration a call as soon as you suspect mold. We will help you eliminate mold in your home – for good.

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